Tips on Doing The Work of Byron KatieA collection of tips and insights on the practice of The Work
Tips for facilitators - free book by Chana Mason
Good news: Your emotions are caused by passing thoughts.
Great News: You are not your thoughts. Fantastic News: You can learn how to effectively question your thoughts and free your mind. This fun-to-read book is packed with tools to help you:
How to Work with Facts
When doing The Work of Byron Katie, facts can be tricky to work with sometimes. Especially when we get to the turnarounds, it can be difficult for our minds to find their way through to some genuine examples.
In this video I explain how to handle facts in The Work by shifting attention from the facts themselves to the underlying beliefs that are the real cause of our problems. The method? The "and it means"-list! |
Doing The Work with a Motive
One of the topics that are sometimes up for discussion is the matter of doing The Work of Byron Katie with a motive. You are not supposed to do The Work with a motive, but what does that actually mean?
In this video I discuss the issue of working with a motive and offer an approach for dealing with the situations when we notice we are driven by a desire for a specific outcome. |
It's About Right and Wrong
When doing The Work of Byron Katie, it can be very useful to keep an eye out for the underlying belief "it's about right and wrong". This belief often operates in the background and can have a huge impact on the situations we're working with.
In this video I share how to use your attention on this belief to open new avenues in your Work, both when you're facilitating others and when you facilitate yourself. |
Doing The Work on a Choice or Decision
Sometimes we feel caught in a situation where we have to make a choice and all our hopes and fears are clouding our judgement. It would be nice to be able to clear the mind in those situations, but how can we use The Work to do that?
In this video I present a specific method for using The Work to support ourselves in making a decision when we are at sixes and sevens. |
Doing The Work on Yourself
One of the questions that keep showing up in people's practice of The Work has to do with the challenges of working with judgements on ourselves.
In this video I share my perspective and offer a specific approach for those times when we run into regrets or attacks on ourselves and need a method for handling them using The Work. |