Testimonial from DASKIIt is generally recognized that children are more creative than adults. So when adults request creativity, the question is basically how to recreate the spontaneous creative attitude of the child. Rational approaches and deciding to be more creative don't help much. Neither do books or pep talks. Using methods and techniques to promote creativity can bring more creative results, but they rarely lead to a more creative attitude. In order to reclaim our lost creativity, there is no way around finding a way to release our creative resources from the limitations and inhibitions instilled in us through our upbringing, education and experience. This spontaneous, creative attitude cannot be established through an intellectual decision. It must be experienced – or rather re-experienced – directly. It is to that end that Ernest Holm Svendsen has developed an enjoyable and efficient approach that utilizes the inextricable connection between body and intellect. Through physical exercises the participants experience the immediate creative and playful attitude of the child without mental blocks. Subsequently the participants learn how to use this newfound attitude in specific assignments and improvised exercises, and it is then applied as a method to handle tasks and problems in everyday life. Kind regards Herluf Trolle MSc in Psychology Chariman of the Danish Society for Creativity and Innovation DASKI |